My Journey From using rags To Menstrual Cups

Childhood days and growing up

I grew up in a very small semi-urban town called Garhwa in the state of Jharkhand in India. I come from a conservative middle class society where menstruation is still a taboo. As a child I remember, I would get curious about sanitary napkins while watching advertisements on TV. My mother would get embarrassed and try to avoid the subject. When I explicitly asked her about it, she told “you would know about it once you grow up”.

At the age of 11, I met with a serious accident and was totally bed ridden for months. My mother would fix a narrow pipe to my urinary tract to help me with urination. One day while fixing the pipe my mother saw some traces of blood in my vagina which was actually due to a minor cut received earlier while fixing the pipe. She thought I have started my periods and she told me about periods for the first time. She said that all girls and women get it. I was the youngest among my cousins and they had already started getting their periods. I realized why suddenly all my elder cousin sisters had started their private conversations and wouldn’t let me be a part of it.

First period and the burden of myths

I got my first period when I was 12 years old. I informed about it to my mother and she made me bathe with 2 and half mug of water. By doing so, she believed my flow would last only for 2 and half days. Nevertheless, I was a heavy bleeder like my mother and my flow would last for at least 7 days if not more. I started off with using old discarded cotton cloth folded in the shape of a pad to absorb the flow. I used to get debilitating cramps and my daily routine would go for a toss. Things became worse when restrictions arising from age old myths were thrust upon me during my periods. I wasn’t allowed to sit on other’s bed but just mine. I wasn’t allowed to touch the place of worship or anything holy in the house. I had to wash and dry my cloths separately. During periods I wasn’t allowed to eat or touch pickle as it was believed that they would get spoilt if I touched them. After my periods would get over, I had to wash the bed sheet whether it’s stained or not. In short, I was treated as impure or polluted and I was expected to have become “pure” only after the 7th day when I had taken a bath and washed my hair.

I was strictly told by my mother to not let my father or brothers get even a hint of my periods. Since menstrual blood is considered impure, I and mom used to store the used and washed cloth pads in a very dark, damp and not so clean corner of the bathroom. Even today I feel sorry for the 12 year old me. My parents are well educated and were financially well off. We could have easily afforded sanitary pads but the question was who would go to buy them and risk their and the family’s dignity. Back in 1992 and even today in many societies menstruation is an unspeakable curse.

I got my first period when I was in class 7th, and many of my friends did too. But the subject of menstruation was not introduced in our textbooks well until we were in class 9th. Our biology teacher was a male and he asked us to go through the chapter on our own and ask him in case we had any doubts about it. The teacher was quite friendly to us and obviously his skipping the chapter made the whole subject of menstruation and child-birth a taboo for us. We learnt to deny our own body, our own self right from the time we start growing up and then everything surrounding it, be it child molestation,  periods, pregnancy, intercourse, even touching and hugging becomes shameful and embarrassing.

All this while I only knew that period were important so that I can have a baby some day in future. Becoming a mother is a big deal and a very important aspect of women in our societies. Woman who can’t bear child are considered unfortunate, unlucky and have no respect within the family or in the society.


Best way to talk to your daughters about periods

Goodbye rags

Due to lack of better education I was admitted to a school in a different city away from my home. I had to stay in a hostel. There was only one bathroom for every 10 girls. Washing and drying cloth pads was not possible there. I saw my room-mate using whisper napkin. She told that one can easily buy them at the medical stores. So I went to the medical shop and very shyly asked for the brand name, the shop keeper wrapped the packet with paper and then put it in a black poly bag and gave it to me. I was using sanitary napkins for the first time at the age of 15. It was so much dry, less messy and comfortable as compared to using cloth pieces as pads. Over the next 12 years I had tried, testing and using napkins of various brands and absorbencies and have been sharing the experiences with my mother.

During my post graduation days, I got into a relationship with one of my batch mates, Tuhin. Tuhin was an activity partner and we often worked on projects together. We are now happily married. Tuhin has only one sibling, a younger brother, so he never got a chance to know about periods beyond what’s taught in the biology textbooks in the schools. After knowing about the inconvenience that I went through every month, Tuhin started to search for more information on menstruation and different ways to manage it in the hope that he could be of some help during those days of the month. He told me many things that I myself did not know about periods. It occurred to us that if there are so many essential things about menstruation that’s unknown to me even after having periods for past several years and in spite of being well educated, there must be millions others who might be ignorant about menstrual management. So I took up a yearlong project on menstrual awareness. This research project had laid the grounds for Menstrupedia.


While working in Mumbai, I had joined swimming classes. I enjoyed swimming a lot and wondered how am I going to continue during my periods? That’s when I learnt about tampons and started using them but was always wary about TSS(Toxic Shock Syndrome). Every time I used them I had to keep track of time to change them.

Menstrual cups

It was during late last year that I and Tuhin started our initiative Menstrupedia with the hope of sharing our knowledge and experiences about menstruation. While researching about the subject I came across menstrual cups many times but never felt a need to dig enough to know about them or maybe I was too comfortable and structured to try anything other than pad or tampon. While researching about various menstrual products, Tuhin found that the benefits of menstrual cup along with the overtly positive user testimonials made it definitely worth a try. So we bought a menstrual cup. Since then I have been using it without complaint. It has not only saved me money but also the trouble of buying fresh supply of pads or tampons every period and I don’t have to worry about waste disposal any more
I would never like to go back to using pads and tampons any more  That leaves me wondering, had I known about these different, better ways to manage periods, I wouldn’t have had to bear the agony of being a girl every month.

Aditi Gupta is the founder of Menstrupedia. She believes in spreading awareness about menstruation in a fun and entertaining manner. In her free time she blogs about crafts made from common household waste along with the DIY tutorials.
easiet way to teach and learn about periods


Is it not painful wen u put that cup inside? cld u plz give me more information about it and is it available in Indian markets now?? why is there no advertisements on television on menstrual cups like that of sanitary napkins?

Hi Madhu,
It does take a little practice to wear the cup properly and it might be a little inconvenient at the begining. It typically takes one to two cycles to get used to Menstrual cups. As per my experience, after that initial learning and getting used to, it is very convenient and if worn properly, you wouldn’t even feel it inside.

You can visit this link to know more about menstrual cups:

Menstrual cups are not as widely available as sanitary pads. I ordered mine on-line from:

Not sure why menstrual cups aren’t advertised on TV like the sanitary pads. May be because the market for Menstrual cups in India is still small.

Hi Aditi,
I am 25 and have many times over the past few months tried to use tampons. I tried O.B. but could never get used to them and found them very uncomfortable and painful, especially while sitting. I almost always had to remove it within half and hour or 45 mins and get back to my Whisper Ultra Thins. Any advise on how I can get over this problem?

[my post is very different, because after completing I saw the posts above and it is like….. but I must share this with you]
hi there,
First of all I am confused that should I congratulate you to write about so called taboo publicly in our society or is it just a normal things for you that you are writing what you felt? But one thing, I personally congratulate you because I have come across such blog by Indian living in India for the very first time. This should definitely help those girls who do not have enough resources and people around to understand and explain physical changes with time. I do work with an ngo in Ahmedabad as volunteer teacher where I have seen parents specially mothers who are paranoid sending their girls to classes during period times and being a male teacher I cannot talk about that (I am fine with that because other female teachers take care of that there). It is not something strange but this attitude can be avoided by proper information to parents, teachers and girls. Still in most of the schools, this portion of the biology books is omitted but today mothers’ attitude, internet and sensible news columns are helping that I came to know from my family doctor.
Again so much thank you and congratulations at the same time for your blog, hope it touches hundreds and thousands of lives…. girls and boys (too because I believe that a good companion should know about this)

Hi – I think its a great thing to write about this – I never knew it is such a taboo to speak about these things even now .However even I did not know about the cup and will surely give it a try – One more reason the cup will not be advertised much as it reusable. If all women buy pads – there is continous market for the 25 – 30 years of the womans life – whereas in case of the cups it will be much less. The market for diapers, pads is HUGE and no one wants to tamper that – One more thing is the cup will in most ways work well for our environment – since I am most cities (I come from Bangalore and the problem is huge) are struggling with Garbage disposal problems ! Keep up the good work

I am definetly going to try menstrual cup this time!!

Aditi, Bravo girl!! 🙂

Very refreshing to see an open space for discussion about menstruation and menstrual products- it’s an important conversation and your website is a rich resource!. Adding to the conversation, I would like to add that in 2009 with a few girlfriends,we started a project in India called Eco Femme We work with rural women associated with NGO Auroville Village Action Group to stitch cloth washable pads as an alternative menstrual product to disposable pads and have developed a range of educational programs on the subject. In India most women and girls are only familiar with old cloth and disposable pads. Our project is committed to providing information that help women and girls know about product options (we particularly advocate non polluting ones like menstrual cups and of course cloth re-usable pads) and to feel confident to manage thier period in a healthy and dignified way – free of shame. Its really an interesting question why we have come to such a point where women feel so shy and embarrassed about this normal body function. Concerning products, there are choices -as mentioned above “SHE cup” is Indian made and its soft and discreet and our own Eco Femme washable pads are also available in different sizes with wings and leafproof materials.

Loved your expressions and sharing.
Its really helpful
Love u…

this is so good – i know you didn’t get into all of the issues of sex ed, but that’s an issue too. even when our kids ARE in pulbic school, we as parents need to be there to get our kids the factual info they need. when questions go unanswered, we can easily end up sending well educated kids with good morals out into a world that will send them home pregnant with stds because WE didn’t get them all the info!

So good to read it! I wanted to write on menstural cups since some time now. I am a fan of your Aditi and Tuhin. I have listened to your Ted talk too. Keep up the good work. 🙂

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