Menstrupedia is back with their Writing Contest! It’s been amazing to hear all about your ideas, stories and experiences. And we look forward to hearing more from you. Hence we are thrilled to bring to you the new theme for the next Writing Contest – PERIODS AND POPULAR CULTURE
While menstruation has been a hushed topic for very long, we have recently seen a surge in conversations around menstruation both in real life and in reels. The spectrum is wide. From advertisements finally normalizing red period stains to shows and movies depicting ‘PMS’ and the emotional changes that women go through during #thattimeofthemonth, we have come a long way.
With movies like ‘Padman’, we have also seen men becoming a part of the menstrual conversation as well.
As popular culture becomes an important medium of information and entertainment, how the nitty gritty of this important event is communicated through pop-culture, holds the potential of building and changing perceptions.
Here are a few ideas to help you get started!
- Do you think Films have changed our perception about Menstruation?
- How has the depiction of menstruation in popular culture changed over the years?
- What are the main ideas or themes that the Period Conversation revolves around in films, advertisements or the news?
- What changes do you see (if any) that will come in the near future with regard to how pop-culture will depict Periods?
The list is endless. And so are your ideas and creativity. So let your creative juices flow and get started!
● Story/Sketch submission (written) – Article should be between 800 to 1000 words in a .doc/.docx file
● Poetry submission (written) – Should be more than 250 words in a .doc/.docx file
● A high-resolution picture of yourself, a short bio and your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter handles/links to your blog page to tag you! Please note that the written piece should be your original composition.
In case your story is inspired by some other piece of writing, share the link and reference and give due credits.
Send in your entries to [email protected]
Last date of submission: 5th March, 2021