First Media Coverage for Menstrupedia

Diwali holidays had just got over and the joy of launching Menstrupedia was slowly wearing out, just when we received a call from Shweta Sharma, senior editor at The Sunday Guardian (Delhi). She wished to do a story about Menstrupedia. We were delightfully surprised to know her interest in doing a story on the initiative.

It was a huge encouragement for me and the Menstrupedia team as the project was getting its first media coverage. Within a week an interesting article titled “Now, a website to assist you in dealing with periods ” was published in The Sunday Guardian website on Saturday, 24th Nov, 2012.

Menstrupedia, menstruation, periods, women health, The Sunday Guardian
Menstrupedia online article on The Sunday guardian

The article got published in the newspaper on Sunday the 25th Nov, 2012.

Menstrupedia, menstruation, periods, women health, The Sunday Guardian
Menstrupedia get covered by The Sunday Guardian, Delhi, 26 Nov, 2012

This media coverage has got us back on our toes. Full of new energy and enthusiasm the team sprang back to work like never before.



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