The comic book has been developed over a period of 18 months starting March 2013. Work was spiritfully supported by a huge collective of very giving and supportive people. Here, We catalogue the important milestones that were achieved in completing the making of this book.
Menstrupedia comic, ready to ship- (September 15, 2014)
After one and a half years in making, Menstrupedia comic is now ready to ship within India. We would like to thank our sponsors and supporters whose generous contribution towards this project have made this book possible. The book is shipped free of cost within India. We are working on cost effective ways to provide international shipping for this book.

Illustration completed for Menstrupedia comic. Printing in progress- (July 17, 2014)
Illustration and coloring for all the four chapters of the comic has been completed. We took some test prints to ensure that the colors are showing up correctly. Once we were satisfied (in fact we were jubilant to say the least) we sent away the comic for bulk printing. You can catch the bulk printing in action here.

Preorder launched for Menstrupedia comic- (April 28, 2014)
You can now read the first chapter of the comic for free and pre-order it at a discount rate. The preorder is only for the english version of the comic. At the moment we are taking orders from India only. The comic is expected to be released in the September 2014.

Illustrations for the first chapter is done- (February 10, 2014)
The illustrations for the first chapter did take us a lot of time to complete but the end results are fabulous. can't wait to complete the illustrations for the rest of the chapters.

Storyboard for the fourth chapter is done- (November 24, 2013)
Storyboarding for the fourth chapter is done. The fourth chapter deals with menstrual hygiene management. It covers the various ways to manage menstruation and the general hygiene measures that needs to be taken during the days of menstruation. That completes the storyboarding phase for the comic. We have already started working on creating the final rendered illustrations for the comic.

Storyboard for the third chapter is done- (October 11, 2013)
We have completed the storyboard for the third chapter. The third chapter deals with tracking menstrual cycle and predicting the next period. We have also discussed premenstrual syndrome and how to deal with it. Now only the fourth chapter needs to be storyboarded before we can move on to the next stage.

Storyboard for the second chapter is done- (September 20, 2013)
The storyboard for the second chapter is now done. The second chapter deals with the biological aspect of Menstruation. It explains why and how menstruation happens.

Our crowd funding campaign has been successful and has come to an end- (August 20, 2013)
Our crowd funding campaign has been a tremendous success and has come to an end. A heartfelt thanks to all our contributors and supporters for placing their faith and trust in us without which the journey so far wouldn't have been possible.

Storyboard for the first chapter is done- (August 15, 2013)
Storyboard for the first chapter(Growing up) of the comic is done. This chapter deals with topics like puberty, emotional and physical changes in girls and boys during puberty and nutrition

Crowd funding campaign launched - (May 20, 2013)
Having run Menstrupedia for about a year as an entirely self-funded venture, we aren't left with enough funds to develop the Menstrupedia comic. In order to raise funds for the development of the comic we have launched a crowd-funding campaign. Looking forward to your support.
Character design for the comic completed - (April 2, 2013)
We have just finished designing the main characters of the comic. From left to right the characters are, Priya, Pinki(Priya's younger sister), Mira, Jiya, Lali(Pinki's pet dog)and Pinki and Priya's mother.

The script for the comic completed - (March 28, 2013)
The work on the script for the comic has come to an end. We started working on the script in January and it took us four months to complete the 35 page script for the comic.
The comic is estimated to be of 100 pages covering the following topics:
- Growing up: Physical and emotional changes during puberty.
- What are Periods?: What goes on inside the body.
- When is my next period?: Tracking menstrual cycle
- Taking care during periods: Menstrual hygiene management