Gift Menstrual Education to Underprivileged Girls
Every year about 12 million girls get their first period. But most of them remain ill informed about their periods and are not mentally prepared to deal with it. Girls as young as 9 years old have to follow discriminatory social restrictions originating from prevalent menstrual myths. This is extremely detrimental to their self-esteem and severely hampers their overall growth and development in life, especially during their early formative years. The only way to tackle this issue is to educate each and every girl about menstruation at the right time so that they are capable of taking care of themselves during their periods.
This campaign is a step towards raising a generation of mothers who would prevent menstrual myths from passing on to their children and ensure that the coming generation is well aware too.
I am raising funds to conduct menstrual awareness workshop for 10,000 girls from low income families.
Hope House is a sub-centre partner of childline1098 for Vellore district and will be conducting a 2 - hour workshops in schools. At the end of each workshop, a copy of Menstrupedia comic is given to a group of 10 girls to read and share to be empowered. This is to ensure that your gift goes 10 times farther than it would if we only give a copy to one girl.
raised of Target: Rs 111000

Ruby Nakka
The Hope House
What does the workshop look like?
These are a few sample clips from the workshops that we have conducted in the past.
What is the impact of my donation?
This is the impact of every Rs 11 donated.
A girl learns about menstruation through an entertaining and engaging workshop. She gets a copy of Menstrupedia comic to take home so that she can learn at her own pace, about growing up, nutrition and taking care during periods.
The girl uses the book to not only educate herself but also her family members and friends.
Girls are encouraged to share the book with their friends once they have learned from it.
This creates friend circles where majority of friends are aware about periods and this friend circle serves as a period support group for the girls during their years in schools.
When and where would the program take place?
The program will take place within two months from the completion of this campaign. We will keep you informed through mail and through updates in the updates section
The program will be conducted at Schools in Vellore, Tamil Nadu (India)
How is the donation used?
Rs. 111000

Any excess amount is passed on to the next campaign.
How would I know if my donation has been utilized?
We will keep you informed through mail and through updates in the updates section.
What do you do with the excess amount?
Any excess funds left after the program, is passed on to the next campaign.