Physical changes that occur during puberty in boys
1. Broadening of chest and shoulders
Onset of puberty brings many physical changes in boys. Their chest and shoulders broaden and their muscles start to develop.

2. Deepening of voice and appearance of facial hair
The voice gets deeper. Hair begins to grow on the face that later develop into moustache and beard.

3. Appearance of body hair and pubic hair
Hair begins to grow on the chest, in the armpits, hands, legs and in the groin area. Hair in the groin region is called pubic hair.

4. Increase in size of genitals
The penis and the testicles grow bigger in size.

5. Growth spurt
During puberty boys experience a rapid growth in height over a span of 2 to 3 years. This rapid growth in height is called growth spurt.

6. Ability to ejaculate
Boys become capable of ejaculating which is ejection of semen through the penis. The first ejaculation marks the attainment of sexual maturity in a boy's life.

- Teenage growth and development: 11-14 Years,
- Puberty and adolescence,
- Reproductive anatomy and physiology,