Solution for Menstrual Descrimination

We have been discussing the various aspects related to menstruation in women – medical, social, myths, psychological and much more. Many articles indicate the anger / disgust that many women experience because of some beliefs and practices related to periods. While many of us women feel victimized, I pondered over whether we in reality are being victimized or are those who believe in these customs and rituals in the same boat as well? I got talking to women of different age groups and found that most of them were those who followed at least some of the practices related to periods.
Analyzing their responses and discussions, I have understood that all of us are unfortunately victims. While on one hand, we are victims of religious social discrimination when we have our periods; on the other, some who do not follow these practices are victims of their guilt – guilt for not practicing cultural rituals and practices and there are yet others who insist and impinge these beliefs on us. Many other women are also victims – they are victims of fear.
The only conclusion that can be derived from the various discussions and debates on this issue is that a woman is considered impure when she menstruates. Not one explanation till date has been able to give me any scientific or even a logical argument for the same. These discussions however, do indicate deep rooted fear – fear of accumulating sin by not following the ‘cultural norms’ prescribed by society.
So, when one looks at the issue from a deeper perspective, in order to let go of these practices and beliefs, it is important that we help them overcome fear and in order to work on this fear, it is important to spread the message of the love of God rather than the fear of God.

Art work done for this article by Sahana Rajagopal

When we begin to practice love for God, our rituals and practices will be filled with love and not fear. When they are filled with love, we will be able to understand that every woman deserves to be loved and respected at all times irrespective of whether she is menstruating or not. Some may argue that isolation takes care of a woman’s welfare and ensures that she receives adequate rest. But then how do we explain the differential diet (in many cases, women are even starved); the isolation; the prevention of access to many areas in the house? If rest indeed is the primary objective, then why this isolation? A menstruating woman need not be quarantined. This is very clear to all spiritual practitioners who believe in God’s love instead of God’s fear.
Let all us activists in this field pledge to develop an essence of spirituality within us which will steer us towards this love for God. Let us pledge to spread this message amongst our families and friends. Slowly, with time, this message will get carried forward. Let us vow to free ourselves from the clutches of fear which leads to discrimination.
I am proud to be a woman and I am a mother of two girls who also are proud of having attained menarche, and go through the same with ease and confidence. I hope I have many of you following and agreeing with me in this regard.

Mahalakshmi Rajagopal, currently works as a Psychologist at Litchi Knowledge  Centre , Ghaziabad. She has been a practicing  mental health professional for the last fifteen plus years . She is passionate about self enhancement as a solution for various emotional blocks and  believes that all these above mentioned  practices are just inner blocks which need to be overcome by individuals . Her book “I am my own sunshine” is  receiving a lot of appreciation.

You can get in touch with her at: [email protected]

Edited by: Divya Rosaline

Art work”Love Or Fear” by :Sahana Rajagopal

Sahana Rajagopal, the author’s daughter is a class 12 student. She is passionate about Arts and have also designed the cover page for Mahalakshmi’s book ‘ I Am My Own Sunshine’. Nature and its various attributes are her inspiration and Sahana aspires to pursue a career in design.