This #MHDay28May we decided to take up a mission. We wanted to make the online community think about and talk about one of the most crucial biological processes in women that needs more limelight. Periods.
Period blood is considered gross and impure. Girls and Women everywhere struggle with the shame and taboo around this subject, so much so that close to 66% of girls have no idea about what menstruation is till they get their first period. Menstrupedia Comic was created with the intent to solve this issue and we are so happy to let you all know that as of MHDay 2016, we have managed to reach 24000 girls all over the world with period education. To make sure that many more girls have access to this comic book from anywhere in the world, we have launched the digital version of Menstrupedia Comic today. Play the 1st chapter here.
In another initiative that we’ve been working towards this whole month, we managed to bring together people from all over the world to build the World’s First Ever Crowd-Sourced Period Poster Collective – a collection of period positive posters that are quirky, bold and out there for everyone to see! We asked people to embrace their menstrual cycles as their own, as a part of their beautiful bodies and talk about them in a positive light. We got some incredible submissions that we have put together for you below.
You can also see the complete album of posters on Facebook and let them know what you think about them here. Here’s wishing all of you a very happy Menstrual Hygiene Day! Be Period Positive!