The following poem has been written on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). It is a combined metabolic and hormonal disorder found in women that causes irregularity of periods. Incidences of PCOS appear to be rising and it is seen in as many as 25 to 30% of young women.*
उफ़्फ़! आज फिरसे भूल गयी मेरी टेबलेट
कल से होंगे फिरसे पीरियड |
पैड रखना न भूलूं .. नहीं तोह रंग लग जाएगा!
एक दिन जो भूल जाती हूँ .. तो महीने में दो बार आ जाते है!
पीरियड लाने के लिए टेबलेट, पीरियड रोकने के लिए टेबलेट
तंग आ गयी हूँ इस टेबलेट के तमाशे से .. काश मुझे भी पीरियड नोर्मल आयें
ताकी इस टेबलेट से छुटकारा मिल जाए |
क्यूँ आये यह सिस्ट्स मेरी ओवरिस में
मेरे पीरियड को अबनोर्मल करने
काश यह सिस्ट्स जल्दी पिघल जाए,
ताकि मैं फिरसे आइसक्रीम खा सकूँ!
उफ़्फ़! आज फिरसे भूल गयी मेरी टेबलेट
कल से होंगे फिरसे पीरियड |
Translation –
Oh! I forgot to take my tablet again today.
I’ll have periods again, starting tomorrow.
Shouldn’t forget to keep a pad else it’ll leave a stain!
If I forget even for a day, they happen twice in a month!
Take a tablet for starting periods, Take a tablet for stopping them
I am tired of this tablet drama,
I wish I had normal periods so that I can get rid of this tablet.
Why do I have these cysts in my ovaries?
Why are they here to make my periods abnormal?
I wish these cysts would melt soon,
So that I can eat ice-cream again!
Oh! I forgot to take my tablet again today.
I’ll have periods again, starting tomorrow.
Author – Sindhuja Anupur Gadiyaram
Sindhu works in Bharat Biotech as a molecular biology trainee in R&D.
Editor – Palashi Vaghela
*This information has been taken from OoWomaniya’s resource on PCOS – to know more, please refer to this webpage.