A woman! God’s most beautiful creation,
His biggest belief and strongest expression
Gifted her with beauty, mind and courage
Empowered her to replicate his own creation
Along with all these gifts,
He also gifted her with a monthly companion,
It’s neither a disease, nor is it contagious,
It is just another gift of God, which simply makes her more courageous
Periods are nothing but a biological cycle,
Don’t make those days difficult for her survival,
Don’t abandon her, don’t trap her
Let her be the same for those days, as she is for the rest of the month
Don’t use superstition to curb this celebration,
She is certainly not a toy with which to address your superstitions
She can endure this physical pain for weeks, months and years,
And she is the only one, who can creation bear
When I explain these facts to you, you feel its opposition,
Still in this age you believe in all this superstition
Know the facts, learn of reality
Don’t get trapped under this irrationality!
Poet: Pooja Pandey.
Pooja is an advertising professional, a traveler at heart who wants to explore the world. When not working she pursues and conducts Arts and Craft workshop for kids.
Editor: Divya Rosaline