Here are the winners of the writing contest on the topic “Periods and Mental Health”! Congratulations and we hope you continue to raise your voices and express yourself through your writing!
First Prize: Devshri Joshi
Devshri is a Psychology student. She loves late nights and horror stories which is decidedly a terrible combination if the dark circles under her eyes have anything to say about it. Her current mantra is “We’re here for a good time, not a long time” which is why you might find her overly excitable about the little joys of life. You can reach out to her on Instagram:

Second Prize: Namitha N
Namitha is a second-year student from Palakkad, Kerala. She is currently pursuing her undergraduate studies in Botany. She admires change-makers and is currently into eliminating the stigmas around her. She is interested in reading and writing articles, stories, and essays. You can reach out to her on Instagram:

Third Prize: Iravati Kamat
Iravati is an engineer and a social worker, currently situated in Delhi. Her areas of passion are mental health, gender roles, etc. Writing started out as a way of letting out her thoughts, observations, and emotions. Now, she is enamoured with the art form and wants to explore it more as a medium of social impact. You can reach out to her on Instagram at You can also find her personal blog here: