They Told Me: “Mom Was Nachune Vayeko” – Ode To Periods From A Guy

When I understand for first time why mom was prohibited

From entering the kitchen.

I always hated those four days (every month)

As I was compeled to eat a so called meal

Prepared by my father.


They told me mom was nachune vayeko

I wondered why a person couldn’t touch anything,

And for the first time when I was close to knowing

about mensuration, my teacher skipped the chapter.

It was under the blanket under a dim light

That I came to know what mom had was called a period –

a natural phenomenon occurring every month.


Since then I have seen

Women being treated as criminals,

Or some kind of aliens, on those days.


Every woman wanted those days to disappear from calendars

As they have to travel through hell; physically and mentally in time.


After all those years of my poor knowledge,

Now she taught me:

What women needed the most on those days were –

Few more chocolates than usual,

Extra love, care,

and a warm tight hug.

This is a Winning Entry for Men and Menstruation Contest held by Menstrupedia.

kshtij_chaurel_thumbPoet – Kshitij Chaurel

Kshitij hails from Lagankhel, Laitpur in Nepal. He is currently studying in 3rd year of Bachelors of Arts. at Ratna Rajya Laxmi campus, Kathmandu.

Edited by – Divya Rosaline

Illustration by Aditi Gupta.
