Here is wishing all of you a wonderful Women’s Day! We have come a long way together, drawing strength and knowledge from each of our individual and collective experiences; and we still have an equally long way ahead till each of us are truly empowered. As Audre Lorde has so rightly said, [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]”I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.”[/inlinetweet] So help your sister, mother, friend and stranger to step up and spread their wings! You never know how you raising your voice and sharing your story might inspire someone to do the same.
But of course today is the day to celebrate those big and small victories! The Viral Fever and Girliyapa have released this *amazing* period song that is totally going to be the thing you won’t be able to stop humming. Here’s to all you lovely women (and some men too!) who have stepped up for your right to bleed and are totally owning your period every month!
Team Menstrupedia.