Congratulations to the winner from our 4th writing contest: How To Talk Periods. We shall start publishing their stories next week onward. Hope their stories inspires you as much as they inspired us.
Also, yummy goodies from Menstrupedia are on the way. YAY!
Neela Suresh Tayade is pursuing M.Des. at NID Ahmedabad. Neela loves to read and tell stories. Sketching and painting are among her passion. She enjoys talking to people have discussion on different topics.
Yashasvini Rajeswar is caught at the crossroads of teacher and student, reader and writer. Having recently completed a Masters in Development Studies (with a thesis on menstruation!), she is currently teaching English at a rural school for tribal children in Tamil Nadu. Any free time is lost to the written word as she writes for newspapers, magazines and her own blog, swearing all the while that there is nothing more satisfying that creating magic from a blank page.
Tejoswita Saikia is a assistant professor living at Santipur in Assam
She had published a book of prose and poetry and another with literary essays. She blogs here: