Why Do I Ovary-act About Periods?

Gradually my whole concept of time has been changed, I think of a month as having twenty-five days of humanness and five others when I might just as well have been an animal in a steel trap.

The “trap” exists in many forms :
— As a taboo faced by millions of women- “The Impurity” , “The Myths” that they could spoil jams or pickles, turn wine into vinegar, rot the food while cooking and destroy spiritual idols by their mere presence in their vicinity.

— Treating sanitary napkins like radioactive isotopes?
Wrapped in layers of plastic and newspaper, tied into a mysterious package and then it’s put into a bag of its own.

Is it looked upon like a slingshot that possessed the jaw-dropping potential to pop a man’s head like a gourd ?
Or should men see a corner of this packet and read ‘Whisper with wings,’ will  they collapse with empathy at the thought of the agony we go through every month?

— The physical trap –  fatigue, cramps, the in-rush super force.
And to feel what its like to waddle around with a pad like a flattened rabbit tail wadded between legs, sopping with liver-colored blood.

— A transition period, when Estrogen decides everything, is a period between two transition periods. “ Push my buttons, and I’ll push you off a bridge.”

— A routine breaker.
Whenever you are set for an endless routine, you might just get trapped and capped up by twenty-five days. Then there is a long pause. And then you need to energize yourself again for that same passion.



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“When she bleeds the smells I know change color. There is iron in her soul on those days. She smells like a gun.”

It will take years, even generations, to change a taboo. Incidentally, the only girls who don’t believe these superstitions about menstruation are those with educated mothers.
The free-will to cook, pray and walk confidently with no embarrassment – to hide the roll of cotton balls compressed and stretched.

Even if taboos vaporize one day. All of it, you will still be left with routine breakers, physical traps and the f***ing messed up syndrome (PMS), which cannot be beaten by anything, not even an ‘I-PAD.’


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You’re damn right, it better be magic, because that’s what it’s going to take, Tinkerbell! It looks like a saddle.


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Now I need to wait for my ovaries to die before I can get my rightful personality back. Post-menstruation is the same as pre-menstruation; I want once again to know who I was before the age of twelve: a female human being who knows that a month has thirty days, not twenty-five, and who can spend every one of them free of the shackles of that supposed defect of body and mind well known to the world as femininity.

ekta_thumbAuthor: Ekta Sengar

Ekta is a crazy design engineer trying to beat the odds. She is from New Delhi, India. This article was originally published here on her personal blog. You can find her on Twitter and Facebook if you’d like to reach out to her.

Edited by Divya Rosaline.

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