5 Ways Cloth Menstrual Pads Will Change Your Life

Cloth pad converts are known for (loudly) proclaiming that reusables changed their life. If you’ve never tried cloth pads before, you might be wondering how. Here are just five of the ways GladRags changed my life:

1. No more soreness.

When I was in high school, I hated my period with a passion because I was painfully sore “down there” for a week. Little did I know… that’s not supposed to happen! Once I switched to cloth, I realized that my body was irritated by the moisture-wicking chemicals inside regular disposable pads. Now my period is relatively painless (except for the occasional bout of cramps when I don’t take good care of my body throughout the rest of the month).

2. Pretty colors = major mood boosters.

So pretty!

This one might sound silly, but it’s totally true for me. Cloth pads are pretty! And pretty colors make me feel happy. I enjoy picking out which pads I’m going to use each day during my cycle, and I have my go-to favorites that always brighten my mood. It’s kind of like wearing really awesome underwear. No one knows about it, but it makes you feel good anyway!

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3. Your period will go by in a flash.

I am routinely surprised each time my period is over. “It only just started!” I’ll think. Then I’ll check my period tracker app and realize, yup, it’s about time to be wrapping up. Scientifically, it’s unclear if switching to cloth from disposables actually makes your period shorter, or if it just feels like it! But then… as long as it feels quick, does it really matter?

4. You’ll never waddle awkwardly to the store with a bunch of toilet paper stuffed in your undies at 9 o’clock at night to buy overpriced tampons.

This one speaks for itself, I think. Yes, I was that girl (multiple times). With my stash of cloth pads, I will never be that girl again. Thank goodness.

5. You might actually feel GOOD about your period.

The monthly ritual of using my GladRags makes me feel like I’m taking extra care of my body. When I use cloth pads, I find a deeper appreciation of my cycle and the work my body is doing. I no longer feel like my period is some sort of medical problem that needs to be bandaged up; rather, I feel like I’m honoring my body by making a healthy choice. My period is not always a welcome visitor, but it’s certainly not a curse since I switched to cloth!

Author: Tracy Puhl

is the owner of GladRags and is passionate about period positivity and empowering women everywhere. In her free time, she likes to volunteer, run around her neighborhood, and cuddle with her favorite cat.

This article is republished from GladRags Blog

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